WOHVn in Faith Catholic Community
ACC Parishes
Prime Rib or Chicken Dinner
Saturday, Feb. 22
St. Rita's Parish Center
Quilt Bingo
Sunday, Feb. 23
St. Rita's Parish Center
Celebration for Fr. Marcos:
Our WOHVn-In-Faith Area Catholic Community is planning a celebration honoring Fr. Marcos’ ordination. This event will be held at Holy Cross on Sunday, February 16th following 9 A.M. Mass.
WOHVn in Faith
Area Catholic Community
The Parishes of Sacred Heart, Wahkon; Holy Cross, Onamia; St. Rita, Hillman and St. Therese, Vineland make up the WOHVn in Faith Area Catholic Community in the Diocese of St. Cloud, Minnesota.
Under the guidance of Bishop Patrick Neary, our Pastor Fr. Marvin Enneking and Associate Pastor Fr. Jerry Schik, o.s.c. we are called as one family among four distinctly different parishes to pray as one and share our gifts and talents with each other and the greater community.
May the Holy Spirit guide us and walk with us as we journey in this ministry.
ACC Council Activity
January 2025
WOHVn-in-Faith ACC Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes January 7, 2025, 7 p.m. Holy Cross Center Conference Room Present- Fr. Marv Enneking, Fr. Jerry Schik, Steve Timmers, Jon Bjornstad, Dan Godbout, Margaret Willis, Amanda Gjerde Not Present- Calvin Beumer, Patti Fisher, Mary Bannick ● Opening Prayer- 7:07 p.m., Steve Timmers Father in heaven, We ask for your wisdom as we begin this meeting. We acknowledge that we need your wisdom and insights and we welcome your presence among us. Guide us in our discussions and decisions, helping us to seek what is best for all involved. Amen ● Review and Approve Minutes of last meeting Fr. Jerry asked for some clarification on the minutes for the Mission update from Kristi Godbout. Business Manager will speak with Kristi and amend the minutes. Motion- Jon Second- Steve ● ACC Pastoral Council Binders- Review Diocese of St. Cloud Handbook Meeting binders were shared with each of the council members. Fr. Marv would like the binders to be used by the council members for each meeting. There are tabs for the organization of minutes and handouts. When council members transition off, they will give their binder to the incoming member. Fr. Marv explained the various policies in the Diocesan Handbook, and gave examples of how the Council will operate at the ACC level, how the Council is formed, and its responsibilities. ● New at SR, Children’s Liturgy of the Word Looking into different programs, one example is “Children’s Worship Bulletin” Kellie Davidson has expressed interest in volunteering to lead the program. Kellie has preschool training, and a background in leading Bible School groups. The Business Manager is working with Kellie to get a background check and Safe Environments training. A start date has not been set. ● “All Things New” The Diocese has created a prayer for the “All Things New” initiative. Fr. Marv would like the prayer added to the back cover of the missals. Parishes will rotate saying the prayer for vocations and the “All Things New” prayer weekly. The Business Manager will work on getting stickers printed and placing them in the missals at each parish. ● Planning update on reception for Fr. Marcos Steve shared that Fr. Marcos has been traveling and quite busy since his ordination. The Council will revisit in February, which gives Steve more time to connect with Fr. Marcos and get a date set. The ACC has events the weekend of February 22/23 and March 2, so we will look at other weekends in February. ● OtherSince our December meeting, Fr. Marv has spoken with the MIssion Office, and our ACC has been granted permission to focus our Mission efforts on the Congo, an area that our Crosier Missionaries are well informed about. We will work with the Crosiers to learn about the Congo and support the missionary work that is happening there. Fr. Jerry will be celebrating his 50th year as a Crosier in May. The weekend of May 18th he will travel to his home parish for a celebration. Our ACC will begin working on plans for a celebration as well. ● Next Meeting- Tuesday, Feb. 4th, 7 pm Jon will be unable to attend the meeting in person, so we will phone him in. ● Closing Prayer- 9:09 p.m