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Upcoming Events at Holy Cross




Celebration for Fr. Marcos: Our WOHVn-In-Faith Area Catholic Community is planning a celebration for Sunday, February 16th following 9 A.M. Mass honoring Fr. Marcos’ ordination. This event will be held at Holy Cross. If you would like to participate with the planning for the reception, please contact Amanda at or 320-277-3595.


Festival of Families – Mark your calendars for the second Diocesan Festival of Families! Sunday, February 2nd, 2025, 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., St. Francis Xavier, Sartell. An event designed for families to gather, play, pray, learn, and celebrate their Catholic faith. This day is meant to build relationships and celebrate the joy of being Catholic. Cost of $25 per family (no matter the size). For more information, please visit:


2025 Catholic Men’s Conference – Dare to Hope - Saturday, February 22, 8:30 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.   Cost: $40 or $35/each for groups of 5; for young men ages 15-22: $10. Includes morning refreshments and lunch. Where: St. John’s University in Collegeville.  Keynote speaker: Father Scott Traynor, JCL, a priest in the Diocese of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. He is the Vicar for Lay and Clergy Formation. Various Workshops will be available, including topics for young adults ages 15 and up.  Bishop Patrick Neary, C.S.C. will join us for the day and celebrate Mass with us.  Registration Deadline: February 12.  For more information contact Jan at 320-258-7615 to register,


New Census/Registration Forms – Please submit your census/registration forms by the end of February. Phone calls will begin the first week of March for those who have not returned the forms or contacted the Parish Office.


Holy Cross Cemetery Crucifix Area Renovation – The Holy Cross Cemetery Renovation project is really starting to take shape! Feel free to stop by and take a look or follow along with the pictures on our web page. The link is Thank you to those that have supported us so far!


Harvest of the Earth Community Dinner - Wednesday, February 12th  from 6-7 p.m.

Everyone is welcome!


​​Confirmation Classes – Upcoming class dates: Jan. 29, Confirmation Retreat Feb. 2.  Should you have any questions, please contact Amanda Gjerde at 320-277-3595 or Fr. Jerry at 320-532-3122.


Attention all you closet chefs! If you enjoy cooking and are looking for a little extra pay, the Crosier Priory is looking for a part time cook to prepare the evening meal for Sundays and Mondays. The hours are VERY flexible as well as the menu.  If you, or someone you know that would be a good fit, are interested in this position, please contact Wendy Tretter at the Crosier Priory.  Email or call (320) 532-3801 with any questions.


Health Emergency Volunteers Needed - We are blessed to have a medical facility close to our church if needed; however, what do we do when a parishioner or guest needs assistance during Mass? Typically, this is where the Ushers step in, but not all of our ushers have medical training. Therefore, we would like to compile a list of active parishioners who are willing and able to be consulted DURING Mass or to help with the use of the AED in the dining hall during a medical emergency. If you would like your name added to this list, please contact the parish office or Tina Dickson. 532-5038 /


What is a TEC Retreat? How Do I sign up? TEC – Together Encountering Christ is a three-day retreat supported by the St. Cloud Diocese. The retreat is intended for both youth (age 16+) and adults and is modeled after the Paschal Mystery - the Easter message of death, resurrection and sending forth.  Check out what others have experienced by participating in an upcoming TEC weekend. For information and registration details, visit the website at or call (320) 532.4455. Questions about TEC? Ask someone who’s been there: Tim Honek, Margaret Hitzemann, Kathy Lundeen, Br. Rio, osc, Richard Schumacher, Br. Christopher Erran, OSC, Mary Pat Sorvik, Brenda Gotvald, Fr. Marcos Leles, OSC, Marge Agnew, Br. Salama, osc,  Paul Dickson or Amanda Gjerde.  Future retreat dates to sign-up:  February 15-17.


Volunteers needed to help lend a hand – Staff at Lake Song Assisted Living Memory Care have brought to our attention that there are residents that would like to attend mass on Sundays.  Due to staff limitations they are unable to bring them to mass. We are looking for volunteers to go over to Lake Song and pick up the resident at 8:45 a.m., bring them to mass (staying with them during mass) and then return them to Lake Song when mass is over. If you would be willing to help in this ministry, please contact Kathy at the parish office 320-532-3122. Thank you in advance!


Time and Talent Surveys –  Please return any completed Time and Talent surveys to the basket in the Narthex. Blank copies are available in the clear file holder on the wall near the elevator. Remember, these surveys will also be used for a Holy Cross Parish census update. Any questions, contact Tina Dickson at 320-532-5038.


Recovery Works - The Freedom Center is offering a new opportunity open to anyone in a recovery program.  It is called "Recovery Works" and it is held from 7:00 P.M. until 8:00 P.M. every Monday in the basement of the Holy Cross Center.


WHAT IS A PRAYER LINE? A Prayer Line is a line of communication among believers who are willing to be “on call” to pray for a specific need. The set up allows prayer requests to be relayed immediately without waiting.  You can be a part of this very important ministry, receiving prayer requests either by phone or by e-mail.  Call Mavonne at 651-276-3317; Kathy at the Parish Office 320-532-3122 or Tina Dickson at 320-532-5038, if you would like to use your time and talents in this way.  Also, if you have a prayer request for a specific need, call the Parish Office or Tina Dickson.


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