WOHVn in Faith Catholic Community
ACC Parishes
Upcoming Events at St. Rita

Lenten Fish Fries - We begin our “Fish Fry” rotation with Friday, March 7th at Sacred Heart. The Fish Fries are from 4:30-7 P.M. Mark your calendars for the following fish fry dates: Sacred Heart: Mar. 7 & 21, Apr. 4
Holy Cross: Mar. 14 & 28, Apr. 11
NOTE: Stations of the Cross will be held at 4:00 P.M. at the church where the fish fry is being held.
Faith Formation - Faith Formation class schedule (Begins with Mass at 8:30 a.m.: March 8, April 5 and May 3. Please contact Amanda Gjerde at the parish office (320-277-3595) if you have any questions.
New Census/Registration Forms – Please submit your census/registration forms by the end of February. Phone calls will begin the first week of March for those who have not returned the forms or contacted the Parish Office.
Confirmation Class- Confirmation Mass will be held at 7:00 p.m. on March 19th at St. Joseph's in Pierz.
New Parishioner Registration: There are forms on the bulletin board if you are interested in becoming a member of St. Rita. We welcome you to share your faith with us.
Mass Intentions: Each liturgy has a special intention and this can vary and can be anything from an anniversary to a wish for a good harvest season. There are Mass intention envelopes located on the bulletin board and may be filled out and placed in the collection basket with a $10 donation. The dates are filled as the requests come in on a first come first served basis.
Time and Talent: Please fill these out and return. This is an important piece of information, the family member and contact information helps to keep the Parish office up to date.